What’s your opinion of the quality of products sold in Laos?
Some of the goods on sale in Laos are of poor quality and some are counterfeit products, causing consumers to complain that many items on sale do not live up to the required standards. Questions have arisen about product control and penalties for those who sell sub-standard goods. Vientiane Times asked around for opinions on the quality of products on sale in shops and markets.
Ms Somchan Chindahack, a government official in Luang Namtha province: I think the authorities should get serious about carrying out more checks, especially when it comes to car parts, construction materials and electronic equipment. Most of the products sold in Laos are of low quality compared to the products sold in neighbouring countries. Even though some items may carry the same brand name, the quality here in Laos is often very different. I don’t know whether commerce officials have taken an in-depth approach to this issue, but I think they should take a long hard look at some of the goods produced in Laos, as well as some of those that are imported. This would help to ensure that consumers aren’t cheated and get the quality they deserve when making purchases.
Ms Koudkham, a resident of Xaysettha district, Vientiane: It’s true that a lot of things on sale in Laos are of poor quality. This may be because the authorities do not carry out strict checks and because we do not have a highly skilled workforce compared to neighbouring countries. This includes insufficient knowledgeable and experienced specialists in the field of standards. It would be good if the government stepped up monitoring of this issue, and stopped the sale of fake products. I think all sectors should cooperate with the authorities to tackle this issue and weed out low quality products.
Mr Bounlath Ketmany, an employee in Sisattanak district, Vientiane: I would be pleased if the authorities took this matter more seriously and implemented more controls. I have heard lots of people complain about the quality of products sold in Laos, especially those that are made locally. They are often not of good quality and do not come up to the standards demanded by customers, and people are also not happy with the prices charged. It would be better if producers placed more importance on the quality of their products rather than the profit they can make.
Ms Nit Siamphone, a resident of Chanthabouly district, Vientiane: I know the government has a lot of things to be concerned about, but despite frequent complaints the sale of sub-standard goods continues. I think producers and businesses should show more respect for the law and make sure their products are of a higher standard. I think the authorities should train more people in the field of standards so that they implement tighter controls. The government should certify the quality of all Lao-made products and ensure that they comply with international certifications and standards, so that Laos achieves the standards set by developed countries.
By Lamphone Pasanthong
(Latest Update September 21, 2022) |