What should teachers do to improve their classroom skills?
The development of Laos is dependent on high standards of education. This means teachers must be dedicated and highly skilled so they can shape their students into informed and productive members of society. With the marking of World Teachers Day on October 5 and National Teachers Day on October 7, Vientiane Times asked around for opinions on teaching standards in Laos.
Mr Vixay, a government official in Xaysomboun province: Teachers should be models for their students and like a second parent to the children in their care. Students are dependent on their teachers for a good start in life, so it’s essential that teachers maintain high standards, show leadership, and set a good example. But some teachers behave inappropriately and do not set a good example. They should improve their teaching methods, be sincere and devoted to their vocation, and understand the importance of their work. In addition, parents should ensure that young children attend school, especially in poorer areas of the country. I think the government should do more to improve teachers’ capacity and skill levels, and provide more financial assistance to improve schools in rural areas.
Ms Nidthida, a student in Vientiane: Of course, all students want to learn as much as they can from their teachers. Teachers need to have strong classroom skills and effective teaching methods, as well as being well versed in child psychology. Teachers must be well educated and have in-depth knowledge of the subjects they teach. Teachers lead by example, and good teachers will encourage their students to excel. But students must play their part by studying hard and being disciplined. It’s important to remember that home studies are an essential part of the learning process in addition to lessons in the classroom.
Ms Madta Sonesackda, a teacher in Xaythany district, Vientiane: To keep up with the rapid developments occurring in our world, especially in the digital age, teachers must stay well informed and undergo regular training so that they are in tune with changing times. They also need to adopt new teaching techniques that engage their students and keep them interested. A career in teaching requires continuous learning and knowledge of new developments. This means teachers must be open to new ideas. They must also act responsibly and ethically, as well as being generous and sincere in their attitude. Unfortunately, many teachers in Laos are poorly educated. The government should give teachers more opportunities to update and broaden their knowledge, especially in rural areas.
Ms Noy Soondala, a student in Sisattanak district, Vientiane: Teachers must adapt to changing times, especially now that our lives are dominated by information technology. They need to learn new skills so they can use new and more appropriate teaching methods. Teaching as a career involves the pursuit of learning and continuous development while keeping up to date in all respects. Teachers must keep abreast of new developments so they can pass these on to their students. Teachers must also be responsible and have strong moral values, as well as being kind-hearted and sincere. The government should impose strict standards for teachers and their training and testing should be evaluated and improved.
By Lamphone Pasanthong
(Latest Update October 7, 2022) |