What are your thoughts on Covid booster shots?
Second booster shots of Covid vaccine are being offered to people aged 60 and over and to people with a chronic illness, to strengthen their immunity to Covid. With infections rising to unprecedented levels in Laos, Vientiane Times sought opinions on this encouraging development.
Ms Yui Thongthan, a resident of Vientiane: I’m pleased to hear that booster shots will be made available for adults and I hope they will be free. But there are many people who haven’t been vaccinated at all. First of all, we should make sure that everyone gets their first and second jabs before rolling out booster vaccinations. I urge everyone to get vaccinated so that they are protected against severe illness if they do contract Covid.
Ms Bounnao Mounvong, a resident of Xaythany district, Vientiane: I think it’s a good idea to vaccinate people aged 60 and over and those with a chronic illness, because they are at high risk of serious illness or death if they are infected with Covid. The virus may develop to a dangerous level if they do not get vaccinated as advised. I hope these vaccinations become available nationwide very soon. I also think young children should be vaccinated so that schools can stay open, as my children have been kept out of school for a long time since the start of the Covid outbreak.
Ms Hunny Panyachak, a resident of Pakngum district, Vientiane: I’m glad that the government is providing booster shots for adults. I think vaccinations are essential for everyone if we all want to stay safe. I’ve had two doses and had no side effects other than a slight ache in my arm at the injection site. I think that third and fourth doses will give us better immunity. However, I’d like the government to make sure that the vaccines being provided are of good quality and are safe and effective in giving us strong immunity to Covid.
Ms Phanthany, a resident of Luang Prabang province: It’s very good news, and I hope that this plan is successful. I would like everyone in Laos to be fully vaccinated as soon as possible, especially people who are most at risk of infection and illness. But before we are vaccinated, everyone should follow government guidelines on virus control and keep track of the news in mainstream media so that we get the right information.
Ms Tounkham, a resident of Vientiane: This is good news but it’s a bit late. I know that in some countries children aged three and up are being vaccinated. And some countries have already rolled out booster shots. But even though we’re a bit behind, it’s better than not having anything. I think vaccinations should be provided in all areas equally so that everyone has access to them. And medical workers should act fairly and honestly so they don’t get a bad reputation. It’s important that everyone is vaccinated as soon as possible, while we must all continue to follow government guidelines on keeping the virus in check. If we want the pandemic to end, everyone must play their part.
By Lamphone Pasanthong
(Latest Update April 1, 2022) |